Significance of Sexual Health in Palliative Oncology Care Planning

July, 07, 2024 | Other Cancers


  • The study aimed to compare self-reported sexual health issues between patients in palliative oncology with GPS and PPS status.
  • The results highlighted that sexual health is crucial for patients in palliative oncology and should be integrated into care.

Sexuality is a key aspect of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) for patients with cancer. Research shows that many patients experience sexual health impairments due to their disease or its treatment. The QOL Group of the European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) created a patient-reported outcome measure to assess various dimensions of sexual health. However, validation studies of this tool have shown varied results for patients in palliative oncology.

Claudia Schmalz and the team aimed to explore differences in sexual health outcomes between palliative patients with good performance status (GPS) and those with poor performance status (PPS).
Researchers compared self-reported sexual health issue scores between palliative oncology patients with GPS and those with PPS.

Patients with GPS reported significantly higher sexual satisfaction than those with PPS (P= 0.015). They also experienced more treatment effects on sexual activity (P= 0.005) and greater issues with decreased libido (P= 0.008). Conversely, patients with PPS reported significantly more fatigue (P= 0.03) and placed greater importance on preserving sexual activity compared to patients with GPS (P= 0.049).

The study highlighted the importance of sexuality for patients in palliative oncology, particularly those with limited performance status. From the patients’ perspective, sexual health extends beyond physical functioning. Those in the palliative phase report significant psychosexual issues and declining sexual performance. Sexuality is a crucial aspect of HRQOL for these patients and should be addressed by healthcare providers and thoughtfully integrated into palliative care plans.

Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This research was funded by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group (QLG).


Schmalz C, Oberguggenberger AS, Nagele E, et al.(2024). “Sexual health-a topic for cancer patients receiving oncological treatment with palliative intent.” BMC Palliat Care. 2024;23(1):189. Published 2024 Jul 29. doi:10.1186/s12904-024-01513-4

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